>’Total realism’? On depth of focus and field in cinematography, mise-en-scène, and sound design


Short documentary on the work of cinematographer Gregg Toland, one of the greatest Directors of Photography of all time. Also, read his article for the September 1941 issue of Theater Arts magazine The Motion Picture Cameraman.

Film Studies For Free was so inspired by Jim Emerson’s excellent essay ‘Avatar, the French New Wave and the morality of deep-focus (in 3-D)’ at his blog Scanners, that it decided to speed up production and publication of its long-in-preparation list of links to openly-accessible scholarly material of note on cinematographic depth of field, focus, and related matters of sound design and staging. Thanks Jim!

Readers might also like to (re)visit FSFF‘s posts on 3D Studies, phenomenological film studies, film music and sound, Orson Welles  and Avatar.